News from Steppingstones

The day to day life of the English owners of a great little fishing resort in southern Belize.

Thursday, October 02, 2008

One of our local delicacies is Blue Crab, a land crab which is made into a soup with "ground food' - carrots, potatoes, sweet potatoes, coca, onions, sweet pepper, garlic, hot pepper and of course fresh coconut milk.

Our new "potlikka" (think about it) Sadie, just 9 months old, met a crab on the beach this morning. Hard to say who was the most surprised.

We generally catch these at dusk using big pincers called a "kis kis". Four or five make a nice meal. It's a lot of fun to run up and down the beach catching them - good exercise, and makes up for the calories that the soup will supply.


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